Tiko was Mrs Saper dog in Tyrwhitt Road. Mrs Saper was my wonderful landlady originally from Poland.
Tiko was a very easy going dog and a real member of the family. Before I moved into the house I used to visit her son Adam and stay in a spare room.
One time I remember going to see a film “The Entity” at the largest screen in London and sat at the front, Adams friend got us free tickets as she worked in the industry. It was an especially scary film so I appreciated Tiko sleeping on my bed that night!
Taken on a 1932 Voigtländer Brillant V6 camera with a wide aperture (perhaps wide open at f4.5. I love the image drawing, tones and colours from this lens. A later version of this camera was copied by the Russians and called “Lubitel” My first Lubitel cost £11.75 in 1975 and had a sharper lens.