Midland Institute for the Blind, Nottingham

I passed this building on Chaucer street and was drawn by its mood and atmosphere.

It appeared to be abandoned or have such a low level of apparent activity to be considered so from the outside.

Being a photography student and relying on sight made me sensitive to the possibility of blindness. Looking at the images now I can see that the institutional nature of the building and its decay added to the loss of something, the missing light at the entrance did not help.

This short sequence was shot on a single roll of 120 size film in 1981 or  1982 on a an old Voigtlander Brilliant camera. The pictorial nature of using this old camera was to add softness and flare to the images.

Midland Institute for the Blind, Nottingham frame 5

Midland Institute for the Blind, Nottingham frame 8

Midland Institute for the Blind, Nottingham frame 10

Midland Institute for the Blind, Nottingham frame 11

Midland Institute for the Blind, Nottingham frame 19 
Just visible on the trunk is the shape of an eye.



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