Unused image from the flat 8 project
Flat 8 project
In my first year studying Visual Communications (photography and film) at Trent Polytechnic we were given a project to document where we lived. I turned the camera on my fellow flatmates (they were mainly studying Art) in our shared student accommodation at Flat 8, Hampden Street, Nottingham NG1 4FF. The images come from mainly 1980 though I may have continued the project into 1981.
From the flat 8 project. In my mind I had it that the 4 art students I shared with ate together and shared a cooking rota, perhaps true some of the time but not generally. Being back in touch means memories can be compared and they dont always align with the stories we tell.
Pentax K1000, 50mm f2 lens Ilford HP5 film.
Flat 8 visitor
I cannot say for certain now but I think the Sheena Easton poster was meant to be ironic rather than a true fan statement.
The poster with Lech Wałęsa of the Polish Solidarity movement was not ironic, there is no doubt we all had a left wing bent, Margret Thatcher had come to power the previous year and was systematically removing the kinder aspects of a civil society, even at our young age we could sense her ideas were based in fear rather than love.