Disparate objects

Trent Polytechnic photo course project: Disparate Objects. Take in approx 1981 age when done: 20
We were encouraged on the courses to complete set tasks, one of the tasks was to photograph two seemingly unrelated objects together.

I cannot remember where I came up with the idea of the safety pin and record for my “disparate objects”, like most ideas they just seem to pop into existence.

I cannot remember how I warped the record, perhaps I used the oven in the student accommodation?

In 1976/7 I was in my mid teens and ripe for being in the punk generation, some of my classmates were punks. I was more likely to be listening to the New Seekers at the time.
I like the idea of a “safety” pin destroying the “music” though of course we all know it was home taping that actually killed music.

Until now I thought my conceptual photography started at my time at Tony Stone  Images but clearly, thanks to the tutors at Trent Polytechnic it started here.

This was shot on a 5×4 studio camera using tungsten lights and FP4 black and white negative film.



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