Imaging Workflow Workshops

My day job is being a professional retoucher. I have been working on other peoples images for over 35 years now, starting off in the colour darkrooms at Tony Stone Photolibrary (Later Getty Images) before setting up the first electronic imaging department there in 1991.

Most of my clients these days are big names in Photography or organisations such as the BBC and The Natural History Museum where I work on major projects such as the David Attenborough documentaries or Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

I have ran workshops around the Country but that is a little difficult at the moment so I have started offering remote workshops via screen sharing, zoom etc. These two hour 1:1 sessions are ideal for someone who would like a little bit of guidance with images / sotware / workflow etc. Each session is tailored exactly to your needs.

You can purchase this special gift for yourself or someone you know here:



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